If there is something any merchant looks for, is to increase sales. Sales are the basis of any business. We, as entrepreneurs, need to discover new ways to increase sales. TurinPay is a product that helps any merchant to sell more.
An API to let users pay in BTC-LN.
There are a lot of APIs and solutions to let merchants pay in crypto, even to convert crypto-to-fiat. But the real volume transactioned in these cryptocurrencies is very low. Shallow because of several factors: IMHO, the main one is that the payment experience is really poor. Tokens were not designed to be used as a payment method. If you want to pay for shoes (ie) in any crypto you need to connect your Metamask, to pay fees and so on. "Normal people" are not prepared for that.
And bitcoin, the main asset class, is prolonged as a payment method (10min per block, 3 blocks to confirm).
To solve this huge pain, we developed a product over the Bitcoin layer 2, also called Lightning Network: ultra-fast transactions, real-time and ultra-low fees network are the main characteristics of BTC-LN. Now, let me give you an overview of how it works in the following video;
Merchants won't have to worry about waiting times for confirmed transactions: they receive their payments in real-time, at zero cost forever and in bitcoin. So the more value bitcoin captures, the more money it will produce. And, of course, with the chance to withdraw the funds with no limits or restrictions.
TurinPay is a full and modular product ready to use.

TurinPay is a product with several components:
1. An API, ready to implement for any developer. Simple, powerful and efficient. For more info about the API, click here.
2. An APP / front-end. A visual interface where the merchant can see the revenues, access and download the documentation needed for accounting. To access the APP, click here.
3. Several plugins. We started with a plugin for Woocommerce, available here. If you have an e-commerce based on WordPress you can easily add a new bitcoin payment button with TurinPay. For accessing the plugin, click here.
Also, we offer merchants our bitcoin Wallet, TurinWallet: the APP you need to test the payment button before going to production / mainnet. You can download here and activate the "developer mode" for the tests. So the circle is closed; you, as a merchant, have everything you need to amplify your clients, letting them pay in a new currency and getting by that more revenues.
Keep working!